Thursday, March 31, 2005

Doctor Who says bye bye

A week after the bloody crazy excitement of Doctor who being recommenced on BBC 1 the newest who has decided not to be around for the next series...mmmmmm sounds like the first series is not going to be as exciting as it should be....????

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


I came home today and went for a jog and now my mind is completely buzzing so I can try and do some of the things that have been waiting around a little too long waiting on me like writing in this here we go.....trying to build a jigsaw picture of the past month.....see previous blog entries to see result.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Came out of the cinema yesterday after seeing Melinda and Melinda....the new woody allen film completely energised....I realised how important the actually act of watching films in the cinema is in comparison to watching them on tv at home.....You can't help get involved.....can't help noticing little things that make the film all important like I find myself staring at the furniture or the apartments and imagining what it would be like to live there....Now this makes me wonder if i'm getting old.....cause i think about furniture....mmmmm Besides I also enjoyed looking at a huge version of Melinda walking around played by some unknown actress called Rhadha Mitchell

After the film, Colin and myself went to have a pint and while pinting we chatted about turning off the television for a week....instead we read and do other things, its going to happen!!!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Catch 22

Just finished reading Catch 22 today and it feels like a day of absolute triumph. You know those books that you just struggle through completely but are completely resolved to complete them because you want to find that little groove where the book just envelopes you and brings you into its warm world......well Catch 22 was like that! I read and read and kept flicking pages and although I was warming to Yossarian the crazy main character it just wasn't drawing me in.....but at the end I wanted more....I wanted to keep turning and struggling because I think thats how war feels.....its a crazy mishmash of things and never makes sense but you still want the people around you to live even though you might find them irritating cause we are human after all...but when the sickness of war is over what do u do in a normal world when you have been completely naturalised to a crazy background?......Not sure if that makes sense but thats how I feel!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Ireland V Israel

Was watching a few matches today with the biggest hangover I have ever had in life.....Ireland V Israel.....sadly they didn't get the win letting Israel come back to draw with them and England hammering Northern Ireland 4-nil.....

Saturday, March 19, 2005


I snap at the
crocodile tears
fusing my eyelids closed
to see a new day
slip quickly into gear
slap the coffee down my neck
and strap myself in to the day ahead

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St Patricks Day

Woke up pretty late with the sound of a mobile going off.....

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Like dried bark of a seeping wild hazel tree
carved with our entwined initals
on a soft slumber day in June
when your tulip eyes
loved me

I died when you stabbed me

Monday, March 07, 2005


Hastily hacked in half
she squeezes the pulped
primary colours
until the pips ping
into the purple

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Songs to wear pants to

Looking (browsing) around the internet like you do.....I came across the following wonderful Idea for a website......songs to wear pants i don't know about you but I rarely walk around without pants....merely the short walk from the bed to the shower and back that doesn't really ammount to many songs that wouldn't suit this site.....maybe its different to your experience of pant wearing....maybe its a real treat for u....maybe you spend years hoping for pants.....cotton ones with pinstripes....ok....too much info!