Monday, March 28, 2005

Catch 22

Just finished reading Catch 22 today and it feels like a day of absolute triumph. You know those books that you just struggle through completely but are completely resolved to complete them because you want to find that little groove where the book just envelopes you and brings you into its warm world......well Catch 22 was like that! I read and read and kept flicking pages and although I was warming to Yossarian the crazy main character it just wasn't drawing me in.....but at the end I wanted more....I wanted to keep turning and struggling because I think thats how war feels.....its a crazy mishmash of things and never makes sense but you still want the people around you to live even though you might find them irritating cause we are human after all...but when the sickness of war is over what do u do in a normal world when you have been completely naturalised to a crazy background?......Not sure if that makes sense but thats how I feel!

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