Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Potatoes are not a Vegetable

I learned last night the awful truth that Potatoes don't add to your daily allowance of 5 a day fruit and veg......I'm not sure if this is necessarily true, but when I take away the humble potato I do notice that I probably don't get my proper dosage of greens on a daily basis. I have a cold at the moment (and no ladies, this doesn't mean I'm on man flu mode with crutches and a cast)....and its probably the lack of proper vitamins that is allowing these horrible strains to latch onto me these days. So, I am ready to start my quest to discover more vegetables each day to beat the pain..Carrots, Onions, Peppers, Green Beans and Brocolli are getting eaten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check the last paragraph, :D

Miss Super-soup