Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New Flat taken all the writing thoughts away

Haven't been writing for a while, in fact looking at this blog its been since July, and heck....thats a long bloody time. I can safely say I haven't done anything too exciting in that time, apart from incurr a Mortgage, first proper month of it now, coping okay and fail my driving test again. Now, my main goals are to do finish the tiling in a bathroom, buy a huge bookshelf and writing table and lino the bathroom floor and then pass first my theory test again (I know, it was two years to do two practical tests...god)...and finally put some pictures up on the wall.

Its strange how sitting in the house in the evenings looking out at the dark and falling into television land sucks away your creativity......I'm attempting to jump start myself at the moment but I think my brain needs that table before I can really feel ready. Then it'll be a special pen.

1 comment:

Bronwen said...

Yay for special pens!