Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Went to sleep listening to the American Election.....woke up listening to the American Election.....went to work listening to the American Election.....was in work listening to the American Election and Kerry still didn't win! But the fact is....not sure I really care and I'm not sure that Kerry would have been much better.

To be honest I hardly understand the American Political system and i'm not sure if I am meant to understand it. All I know is if people had to queue up for 5 hours to vote here in Belfast I'm sure people wouldn't have I have to take my hat off to those who queued around the block.

Wonder if political blogs will find something else to write about now?


Anonymous said...

I can understand why it would seem like there's not much difference between one candidate and the other - but, at least domestically, there's a huge difference. It's very sad actually that we will have to spend the next four years watching W wreak havoc on our country. Mainly the devastation comes from the control that he will exert over the Supreme Court. Are you bored yet? Sorry...but you see he'll likely have the opportunity to appoint THREE new judges. That's huge. That means that the balance in the court will be destroyed and they will start churning out uber-conservative decisions. And decision #1 that all women in America should fear is the overturning of Roe v. Wade...that is to say, they will make abortion illegal again. Scary Scary Scary.

In any event, sorry you were stuck listening to the election so long...we do take it rather seriously here.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I would have thought that the only merit Bush might have had was to make abortion illegal, but lets set that aside for the moment.

The thought of another 4 years of the Bush administration is very scary. What is worse is that the american people have validated and mandated the brushing aside of the UN and the ignoring of worldwide diplomacy - the vote encourages an adminitration that assumes the right to attack any nation anywhere in the world and labling said action as pre-emptive self-defence - destablising countries, regions, the world...

Kerry was a weak opponent. Know one knew what he really stood for - but the one reason to vote for him was the fact that he was not Bush. Not a valid reason? of course it is. If someone is holding a gun to your head and looks like they are going to pull the trigger - would you turn down the chance to change him for some other guy you've never met - yep - chances are he be saner than the "devil you know"!

It is easy to jump to the assumption living in Ireland where the parties are extremely alike that there is basically no difference - maybe that is true in Ireland - but in America right now- it is a very different story.

Well - that twod be my 50cents worth.