Sunday, September 26, 2004

Being at Ease

At home in Monaghan in Bandit country, Irelands answer to Mexico! So, have said hello to the parents, patted the dog, drank a gallon of tea, watched a few reality television shows and now I am at ease!

I'm actually on a really slow connection which makes you realise how bloody impatient we humans are now, that I can't wait an extra 2 seconds for a picture to show up on my screen.......I need instant gratification!....but theres more to life....isn't there! Haven't a drink in a few nights and I feel so much better....maybe I will remove alcohol from the equation for good and win a battle and a war!....though...hang on I did sample a really strange type of ale my dad found in a supermarket called 'speckled hen' so I'm lying! Damnn I was doing so well for a second.....maybe I can start from now!

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