Thursday, September 23, 2004

Kevin Costner Syndrome

Last night, I returned from watching Dodgeball in the cinema (not overly impressed, felt it watched like a spoof of Mighty Ducks would be like) to lie back and watch Open Range on DVD. Was in a dilemma in the Xtravision not really sure what I wanted to see when i just happened upon this recent Kevin Costner film. Little did I know that higher beings were at work!

So, I was half way through what is basically a slow meander through the wild west with a few cowboys played by Robert Duvall (Kevin's bud) and Kev in typical Costner typecast...a lonely hero who wins the girl....when I realised I was enjoying it. And then my mind did a little searching in its filofax only to realise that i tend to like Kevin Costner films....Dances with wolves, Untouchables, Prince of Thieves, JFK, The Postman, Field of Dreams...even Waterworld (slight blip with The Bodyguard) fact I was nearly sure i was a fan... Now at this I began to sweat. Surely people have been shunned from local villages for less and I need my city cause it provides income and a place to live, but the sirens I heard were surely Fire Engines and I didn't smell I was ok! So I settled down to sleep...gradually fitting together an even bigger puzzle!
I also like Tom Hanks films as well, especially those directed by Speilberg......and this realisation made me want to tinker with my brain.....surely there is something wrong. But alas, i think I am just going to have to accept the truths of my life and move on.....careful of picking up any more uncool hollywood heros.......keeping strictly to a diet of De Niro and Pacino, with a bit Nickleson thrown in for good measure!......Save me lord!


Hagfish said...

This is very amusing. I have friends who would shrivel if they knew what kind of books I REALLY read.

Total low-brow pulp, full of criminals.

In theory, I am an intellectual. Well, I did say "in theory".

I also love movies where everything gets blown up. Those really bad Lethal Weapon flicks...mmmmm. Even if Gibson is a__________. Fill in the blank according to your assessment.

Ruairi said...

How would we know we were intellectuals if we did not read and see low brow to compare our graceful media in a purer light with.....

In fact i think I like lethal weapon as well....its great to see a australian actors making it big in fact its great to see explosions as well and car chases and people aiming their guns before they shoot......isn't life just amazes me every day i'm alive....and every day i am an intellectual who writes poetry and carves sculptures out of ice (i really do...they are called ice sculptures).....

Hagfish said...

R., You know you've sunk to the depths if you start carving sculptures out of butter, for horrible Ladies Clubs. For their luncheon meetings. Where they arrive wearing the worst dresses, and terrible hats, and they don't know how clever you are.


Ruairi said...

I use only the best creamery butter for my sculptures and I top it all off with a Thousand Island Dressing, because thats the kind of guy I am!

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