Monday, September 06, 2004

Racing Froggy Woggies

Came across this website today which allows you to choose a Frog, give him characteristics, train him, feed him, give him presents and then race him like a horse against other Frogs. It's just like betting in asia apart from the lack of grasshoppers and having to be in asia to do it! So check it out you crazy people....and get a frog up and running like crazy! My Frog is called squiggle and he is a mean mofo.. "bring it on, ribbit!"


Ruairi said...

My Frog Squiggles came third in last nights race and has been rewarded with a new kite! He has qualified for the amazing super dooper race...Ain't he a good boy!

Ruairi said...

Good old squiggles followed that first placing up with a 5th Place which allowed me to train him up to the max and get him another gift to keep him happy! Hopefully he will be all set for the big race!

Ruairi said...

Squiggles is beating himself up because he came in at a respectable 3rd place.....don't worry're time will come!