Sunday, September 19, 2004

Potato Sundays

Struggled along and bought some Sunday things.....had some Southern Fried chicken fillets in the fridge and decided to buy potatoes to go with them. Now, you must understand that in 7 years living in Belfast I have never extended myself to the job of making potatos (Ed: boiling not making) for dinner, even just for myself. But I decided enough was enough and fired myself up for the task, out came the pot, plink went the kettle and in went the spuds.......a lot of pacing and 3 games of FIFA 2004 and a bit of ovening of the chicken and piff paff poof! A chicken surprise with spuddies was on the butter...and munchy munch....I was happy as a lamb in spring hay!

A wee bit of spuddies left over to fire up my culinary skills tomorrow!

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