Sunday, September 12, 2004

Tears on my window

I watch the sea mists hang impatiently over the mountains…
biding their time inching ever so slowly preparing to empty a flash flood making Playgrounds childless, Paved street puddles stage their skipping water ballet,

A panoramic ocean view fierce with its watertight white teeth crunching and swallowing whole strands of beach,
Birds flanked by sheets of rain being given a water tunnel guide to their destiny,
Trees provide an awning of shelter to midday joggers unable to outrun a natural storm in a race that’s impossible to train for..
Freshly ploughed fields once full of carefully laboured patterns which patch all of this countryside suddenly muddle and merge into a watercolour painted from memory of how it may have existed before…..
You can’t escape,
You can’t outrun, outplan, out manouvre, outstrategise this water when you are outside in its rain……
so do what I do and just watch and wait.

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