Monday, October 18, 2004

Blog Surfing!

I Have been using Blog Explosion a few times now, searching through a vast array of Blogs to:

a) find something interesting to read that is on my wavelength (not always so easy)
b) to stimulate more visits to my site.

I spent a few hours at a time trawling through words but have been seriously dissapointed to only find 3 blogs out of at least 200 that intrested me enough to bookmark them and wish to go back. Now i understand that not everyone wants to read a fist full of unpunctuated ramblings from me on a day to I am going to start adding pictures for a bit of variety.....and also.....people might not get all my will add a few links.. But the ammount of blogs aimed specifically at the american political debate is crazy (maybe because it is central to peoples thoughts.....and it is a wonderfully free medium to exchange views.....) and can be tiring after visiting about 100 of them and blogs about newborn babies gets a bit tiring......and the ammount of blogs created by women.... All I wanted after surfing for far too long was a blog written by anything but a woman (Aliens would be welcome), which discussed everyday things and made me chortle at least once...ohh and was from the UK.......Anybody got any suggestions!


Get Knotted Paracord said...

Hi i fit into two of those catagories (not a woman or American) i'm from the UK but i'm not sure about the chorteling bit!
What are all those Americans going to do after the election?
There might be something interesting to read!

Ruairi said...

Thats an intresting comment my friend....What will Americans have to talk about once the elections over! Will all these websites have to become mommy blogs? or maybe a technical blog? Surely we shall have to wait with baited breath for the real outcome!

Thanks for the posts guys....much appreciated!

Ruairi said...

Ohh another thing....
have been looking round blog explosion again today and have found that the standard has improved seems that a ton of good bloggers have jumped on the site to lift it up a step....not so many mommys and politicos!

Rev. Kimberly Rich said...

Here are a couple of good male blogs. One is from america but he is not political the other is from canada

good reading

Anonymous said...

Might I suggest a Scot living in Belgium?

I'm kind of a Daddy Blog, but I right about alot of different things.


Anonymous said...

Believe me, some of us female readers/writers would love to see a few more male blogs out there that aren't entirely about sports or computer geekology 101....and if you'll forgive me for being American and a woman, I rather enjoy your blog.


Dollymama said...

well you mustn't have visited my blog yet or you woulda loved it. :)

Ruairi said...

Thanks guys....didn't realise this post would raise so many repsonses.....

Liked the blogs you sent me guys...keep em coming!
