Monday, October 11, 2004

Superman has gone!

Poor old Christopher Reeve joined the almighty after nine years of struggle after falling off a horse and being paralysed in 1995. He will always be remembered as the guy who made lots of kids run around the playground with their hoods up and their coats flapping behind them!.....Such a shame!


Hagfish said...

Aye, it is a sad thing to lose him. Very.

I've not left you friend. There have been so many complicated days of late.

Thank you so much for visiting and leaving me such a nice message. I've put a couple more up since. You're on my mind...I keep trying to get tranquil enough to write the promised letter. I will.

Ruairi said...

Hiya stranger,

i had seen you had got back to updating your site....i finally worked out how to put links to my buddies....and i am going to look at some of the new ones you have put up!

Anyway, good to see you back....hope you are cool!

Hagfish said...

Holding fast, and deeply grateful for the link. Letter today is a distinct possibility. She said... :-)