Saturday, October 02, 2004

Jam and Cheese

Had a nice coffee the other day with a friend Michelle. All was going swimmingly, we were talking about life at the moment and those usual chatty things but, then it came to ordering some food...She ordered a Bagel and I (being the innocent minded fool that I am) thought nothing more about it!

Bagels in this particular cafe often come with cream cheese and jam (raspberry) and I always felt these gave you the option of one or the other. Alas, when I looked down at the bagel after a few minutes chatting I noticed that both condiments had been added to the one area, thus creating a mess of jam and cheese. I was sure this was an error until she lifted the bagel and happily (she was smiling) munching at the whole thing! She noticed my shock and was quite taken aback by my horror.......even offering me some 'just to try it'......I did nibble a corner and still felt a twinge of sickness.......

I mean.....Jam and Cheese are from completely different ends of the food spectrum and should never mingle on anyones table.....but who am I to Judge! That is the beauty of freedom.....people could eat mud and you couldn't stop them!


Anonymous said...


Please tell me you tried this... so that you could report on the delights to all the non-converted? no?

I shall hasten home after work to combine the worlds of chivers and charleville in blissful wedlock...


Ruairi said...

I have nibbled.....and have been on the verge of sickness and so it has strenghened my resolve to speak out against such strangeness!