Saturday, October 23, 2004


Bloody Brilliant film.....Got to check it out!


Shelley said...

I just surfed in through Blog Explosion...

I Love Goonies...such a classic 80s flick. It's a movie that I always, always watch when it was on cable.

I was at a conference that Sean Astin was speaking at last year...right after the Oscars. Everyone was all about LOTR...that's all anyone talked to him about.

When he was walking by...people were chanting different LOTRisms...I couldn't help myself, so I said, "Goonies Rocks!" Sean stopped looked at me...and smiled...and kept going. Made me laugh...

Now I wanna see Goonies again! *winks*

Anonymous said...

Chunk's tale of vomiting....classic.


Ruairi said...

Yeah, laughed my head off at Sloth and his wiggly ears....wondered if they were the result of advanced puppetry or a mastered bodily function! Also wanted to go outside and do the 'truffle shuffle' and impress my friends!

There is so much innuedo in it looking back now, never recognised when only 10 years old..... I mean 'One eyed willy' for heavens sake!