Friday, October 15, 2004

Corriander Pesto

The other week I did a quick shopping trip to Tesco with my mate cause he had the car and I stocked up a royal ammount of food.....the usual meat and veg and then i remembered.....feck what about the pesto.. So I ran with my arms flapping (like a swan) trying to find my pesto but all I could find was pesto with olives and pesto with corriander......I went for corriander cause it looked a bit like the other one! I was sure I was in for a taste explosion of exotic proportions.....

So it sat in my fridge for a week.....which meant I forgot i bought the wrong kind of when i couldn't find anything in the fridge worth i grabbed the pesto jar (wish i could make my own) and the pasta and impatiently put it altogether.....

I looked at smelled funny.....then i tasted it with gusto.....and nearly fell over with a rush of sickness.......which i held back......i shouted at the jar and at the bowl of pasta and then threw them both into the bin.......the B**tards at tesco have made a terrible conncotion that i wouldn't even wish on an enemy!......

So be wary, don't go for the exoticly labelled jar in the supermarket unless you are prepared to be severly dissapointed!

1 comment:

RomanWanderer said...

Yup, either make it yourself or just shake plenty of basil onto your pasta.